Do Ghazal tea is part of a century-old legacy of Akbar Brothers Ltd., a family company who have nurtured and developed a tradition of excellence in the fine art of tea blending and packaging since 1907.
Popularly sought after for its remarkable flavour, the tea is grown in the mountains of Central Ceylon, made using oil from the Bergamot fruit and assessed according to the most stringent quality standards by expert tea testers who have mastered their skill by relying on nearly a century of expertise in the field of tea tasting and blending. By preserving the fine values of this old tradition, we guarantee that only the best Pure Ceylon Tea reaches you.
Almost five million cups of Do Ghazal Ceylon tea are consumed per week and twenty-three million cups of Ceylon tea brewed from the Akbar Brothers Ltd. and Do Ghazal Ceylon tea brands are being consumed every day in over 70 countries worldwide, with rising popularity in Jordan and Afghanistan. The quality factor of the special blend is strictly monitored by a team of master blenders, whose accumulated experience is alone more than hundred years.
With Do Ghazal Ceylon tea and Akbar brands commanding market leadership, Akbar Brothers, the country’s largest tea exporter, is now positioned as Sri Lanka’s largest marketer of branded pure Ceylon tea products.
Do Ghazal tea has been endorsed with the Lion logo, also known as the Lion of Ceylon. This symbol is associated with the Ceylon Tea brand and only found on packages of pure Ceylon tea packed in Sri Lanka prior to export. This ancient heraldic device is a registered trademark in over a hundred countries around the world and is an assurance that you have chosen 100% pure Ceylon tea.
The most sophisticated technology is used the production process and apart from the Lion logo, Akbar Brothers Ltd. has received the further endorsements, of which some are listed below.
Certification scheme for food safety systems, including ISO 22000:2005 Applicable technical specification for sector PRPs:ISO 220020-1:2009 And additional FSSC 22000 requirements.
Recommended International Code of Practices
For the following activities:
Purchasing, Blending, Flavouring, Packing and Processed Tea and Herbs
An internationally recognized standard for the quality management of businesses, which applies to the process, that creates and controls the products and services the organization supplies. It also prescribes systematic control of activities to ensure that the needs and expectation of the customers are met.
An internationally recognized standard for the quality management of businesses, which applies to the process, that creates and controls the products and services the organization supplies. It also prescribes systematic control of activities to ensure that the needs and expectation of the customers are met.
(Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point) is a systematic preventive approach to food safety that is used in the food industry to identify physical, chemical and biological hazards in order to eliminate the risk of the hazards being realized.
For the following activities:
Purchasing, Blending, Flavouring, Packing and Processed Tea and Herbs